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Screen Printing Mesh Selection

In the Screen Printing Mesh printing process, the plate-making process is the key link, screen production preparation is the selection of Screen Printing Mesh, which is related to the merits of the screen and production efficiency.
I. Screen Printing Mesh mesh mesh selection.
 Need to consider the following three factors to use the ink.

    ① general water-based ink for coarser Screen Printing Mesh (125-180 mesh / inch) (inch is the unit of length 1inch = 1000mil = 2.54cm = 25.4mm).
    ② solvent ink in the printing of advertising, electrical appliances, etc., the use of medium mesh Screen Printing Mesh (196-420 mesh/inch).
    ③ UV ink uses high mesh Screen Printing Mesh (355-457 mesh/inch).
    ④ general ink pigment particles are relatively fine, the ink through the good, this ink can also be very good when using high mesh Screen Printing Mesh low through; and high pigment concentration of ink, although the particles are fine, its permeability will be poor.
 Types of substrates.

      ① rough surface of the absorbent substrate, to achieve the ink coverage rate, more ink volume is required, so the use of coarse Screen Printing Mesh.
    ② Non-absorbent substrates with smooth surfaces require relatively less ink, so higher mesh Screen Printing Mesh is used.
   Screen Printing Mesh mesh matches the image of the original: the mesh of Screen Printing Mesh chosen should be sufficient for the image on the plating film, i.e. to ensure that the fine image area has sufficient Screen Printing Mesh support. (The width of fine lines that can be printed with a certain mesh of Screen Printing Mesh is equal to the sum of the mesh aperture and the diameter of Screen Printing Mesh plus about 7% expansion of Screen Printing Mesh during weaving. (For example 180 mesh/inch of Screen Printing Mesh, mesh aperture 23μm, silk diameter 30μm, the width of the printed fine lines = 23 30 (23 30) 7% ≈ 57μm. indicates that this Screen Printing Mesh can only print fine lines of 57 microns, there is also a formula for Screen Printing Mesh can be completely printed out small dots (or lines) of coarseness = √2 * (1 Screen Printing Mesh mesh number * diameter) Screen Printing Mesh mesh number).

Screen Printing Mesh

Second, the choice of silk diameter: two aspects must be considered.
    ① The tensile strength of Screen Printing Mesh.
    ② The fine degree of the original.

  When the number of the same, the larger the diameter of the wire, tensile strength, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance are stronger, and hopefully the greater the thickness, the smaller the open area (opening rate). When the origin size of the original image is 2 times the diameter, the dot may fall on the Screen Printing Mesh, and the dot loss in the highlighted area is heavier. When the dot is 3 times the diameter of the screen, any part of the dot can get enough support, and the dark tone dot can also get enough open area.

Third, the choice of Screen Printing Mesh should pay attention to the following issues.
  Uneven weaving; Uneven thickness of Screen Printing Mesh; Cost of selecting Screen Printing Mesh; Attention to tortoise pattern.
  In the case of halftone Screen Printing Mesh, Screen Printing Mesh will also affect the degree of flat printing.

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